
By CleanSteve

The calligrapher's tools and worktop

Helena told me of that the exhibition of 2016 British Wildlfie Photography Awards was being shown at Nature in Art, Twigworth for one more week. We go there quite regularly and often see photography exhibitions when they visit, but we hadn't seen this one specifically for British entrants.

The lovely sunny weather of the morning had disappeared by the time we arrived at about 2pm so the light was dismal. But the exhibition was terrific with a mix of entries from professionals and amateurs including children.  It was well worth visiting in case you are considering it.

As well as visiting exhibitions there are regular 'Artists in Residence' and we went outside the old manor house to the garden  area where the artists set up there portable workshops and studios. It was the final day of Liz O'Sullivan's residence and as we entered the studio the rain began and fell increasingly heavily so that the thin plastic roof amplified the noise of the rainfall.

I asked Liz  if I could take a picture of her worktop which she kindly agreed to. She is artist who incorporates calligraphy, illustration and textiles into a wide range of work. Sometimes she uses a mix of all these media in a single work, whilst in others she only uses individual elements such as calligraphy on paper.

I liked to see her tools grouped together and a notebook referencing some of the words she incorporates into her work. I didn't like to photograph any of her actual artwork.

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