New business opportunity.

Saw this in Chester today and wondered why not many had thought about this as a business.

A factory to make steam!

I mean. How difficult can it be. Just boil a kettle or two and Bobs your uncle. And there's a whole canal-full of water on tap here.

So. Will be on the look out for a spare factory - or even pub with a spare room or two - by a canal preferably, to branch out into 'steam making.'

This one might do - as it is To Let - apart from two points. It's in Chester so will be a bit pricey. And secondly. It's right next door to a pub so temptation may be too strong not to pop round for a swift half. Or two.

Please keep this to yourselves fellow blippers. I wouldn't want everyone to jump on the bandwagon and spoil things for me.

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