The Geodog

Today, me and mum took part in an extraordinary adventure! MEGA FAD! It is Sweden's largest geocachingevent, and this year, it was here in Linköping. Cool! A thousand geocachers from several countries gather to look for special, fun and challenging geocaches. There is just one detail: FAD means Fumble After Daylight. It takes place at night!

But the were also lab caches that could be found during the day. So mum went to register and got a rock concert wrist band, then she and I went on a tour of the city to famous landmarks where new caches had been placed. One of them was this roundabout dog, who is there all the time but had gotten a collar with a code on. It was very cold and windy and mum had forgotten my coat, but I soldiered on. We found six caches!

After a coffee break at home, I was happy to stay cosy in my bed while mum went over to the venue arena. Darkness was falling as all the geocachers were locked in (!) for an hour while all the new cache coordinates were revealed. Then everyone headed out into the darkness with headlamps, flashlights, UV lamps, GPSes and phones. Let the hunt begin!

Mum made a burger/walkies stop at home, but then went back and played and came back very late, very cold and very happy. I was happy too. It was a great adventure!

What is geocaching:

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