Bargain .....
..... yes and yes!!
I went to the pool this morning did my usual 62 lengths of the pool , Half swimming and half exercising ( small pool ) , my usual regime was done in less time than it usually takes me, so I must be getting better or is it just my imagination??
I then did a few bits of shopping in the store beginning with "S" then had a quick look in the " expensive " store Matalan !! Nothing of interest tho'. Then I paid a visit to Home Base as it was in the same complex and I needed to pick up a patch paint pot to do a small cover up job! So whilst there I collected a couple of other items including 3 Cyclamen just to enhance couple of tubs in the garden , at the cash out I found I had more than enough loyalty points , so , I didn't have to take my purse out , yippee , I love a bargain!
Happy .... to be by the fire now as it is really rather cold .
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