New ......

...... life for the blooms!
This plant has been living with me since the end of August 2017 , flowers died and seemed to want to give up completely but, hey presto, in the last few days it has started to flower again. These little African Violets are such value for money, which is more than can be said for the film we saw this afternoon!! Murder on the Orient Express was more than a little disappointing . For those of you who are going / wish to see it I will say no more, but would be interested in feedback if you do go!
I haven't had any more news re "J" , so hope no news is good news.
It's been a dull miserable , drizzle day and quite chilly too. So a meal of fish and chips and TV watching with the heating on is on the cards for this evening.

Thankful ..... for a warm room to sit in tonight.

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