
"Never stop believing that fighting for what is right is worth it.... to all the little girls out there watching, never doubt you are valued, powerful and deserving to pursue and achieve all your dreams". Hillary Clinton, Concession Speech 2016. 

As Katie got up, she watched Donald Trump become President Elect of the United States of America. As she arrived home from school, she watched Hillary Clinton make her concession speech. 

"I wish it had been her not Mr Trump", she said. 

Out of the mouths of babes. 

Not an election where the candidates were two fabulous options who simply opposed in their means of getting to a successful country. But not the outcome I would have chosen for America, for our planet. 

But love is more powerful than hate. I hope looking back on this day that Katie's generation can see it as another day in 2016 where people said "no, we will not let hate win". 

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