Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

747. Fun with Rollei......

I took my very heavy 1960's Rolleiflex with me to my camera club this morning to try and get some help from my fellow enthusiasts about how to use it....there were a few helpful suggestions so I came home determined to try it out and see what happens....

I'm not convinced that I got any of it right but I took 8 shots of various random things (including Mr. Yana1 who was oblivious!) and will hopefully finish the film before the weekend and get it developed....there are only 12 shots so it won't cost me the earth even if they're all out of focus or dark!

I also got a telephone call from my local camera shop to say that my Panasonic LX-15 was now in, having pre-ordered it to take advantage of an offer Panasonic were doing...it was supposed to be available from 31st October and the offer ran until the 7th November...so they had to issue me with one receipt for a non-existent deposit dated 17th October and my proper receipt dated today.  Having been on to the awful Panasonic site this afternoon I cannot put today as my purchase date even though I did pre-order it weeks ago (which fulfils the conditions) so I now have to put my purchase date as the 17th October which means that I lose a month of the warranty...a bit annoying as it's not the shop's fault...they just didn't get stock in time for the promotion.  I'm sure that the shop will honour the date as I do have a receipt which says I bought it today...but how silly to make it so complicated like this?
It's sitting charging just now so tomorrow's (and probably most of my Blips!) will definitely  be taken with it....it's so small and light...I can't wait to try it out!

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