Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

748. New toy......

It's a very early upload for me as I haven't been able to sleep tonight..another nocturnal Blip.....

It was only a few hours ago that I uploaded my last image.....but whilst I was sitting having a cuppa I decided to try out the new camera...just to see whether it performed as well in low light as I had been led to believe....

So here I am sitting in the dark with my iPad messing around ..... I placed my wedding ring on to a photo displayed on the iPad to give me a bit of light to work with...I was half expecting the camera to tell me to open the flash...but it didn't.....it claimed that it managed macro shots as close as 3cm so I thought...why not test this out...

So, here it is my first upload from the new toy...a macro...in the dark....that actually doesn't look that bad.....in fact...I'm very pleased with this little shot.......

I even managed to get the WiFi transfer working....isn't technology wonderful...take shot....transfer it...process it and upload it all done in a few minutes...awesome....

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