
Don't panic - he's one of a family of lovely Water Rats - Wind in the Willows, and all that.

A visit to the Dentist first thing, just to see the Hygienist, fairly painless in the mouth, not so in the pocket, but my treat afterwards was a walk in the sunshine  along the Newport Canal where I saw a pair of very bright eyes looking straight at me from the River Canal Bank but soon to disappear.  So, of course, I stayed a while watching the Swans and Cygnets having a good old wash 'n' brush up but with camera firmly fixed on the place where I had seen the eyes in the hope of seeing Ratty again and was rewarded with one of the family having a nibble on something right in front of me*.  I saw some of the babies too, but they pushed off a little to quickly for me to get some shots.

It was a beautiful sunny day when I went for my walk but then it rained, and rained some more and was pretty chilly, so I made more soup.

* Extra


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