wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Soon to be replaced with snow.......

I thought I would blip "the wall". This has been the best money I have ever spent. The furniture is new. Well new to me. I dug it out of the trash at the dump. The man who dumped it said it was perfect they were just tired of it. It's aluminum and needs pillows. It's ok I can deal.

Well it's been a few rough days here. I won't go into the elections however......I broke my nose. Went to the dentist and they think my teeth are safe. My tear ducts are swollen and my eyes are dry. I had to go to the eye Drs to get special eye drops. I also had to get my glasses fixed. Tomorrow I see the dr and probably get xrayed.
And.......I have a gig Friday night. Oh very pretty girl sings soprano.
Aside from that. I feel a bit overwhelmed so I have to step back from the politics. It is completely out of my hands so I have no choice. I can only choose to change my own behavior. So I have resolved to be kind to people........ok well I resolved to try and be kind to people. If you are chewing loud.......
All bets are off.
G'day down under and goodnight to the north.

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