Endless Weekend

By Endless_Weekend

Tangled up in blue

I noticed the blue in this after I took it and I thought of the Dylan song. Seems like we've all been so sad and disappointed the last few days, but I need to feel optimistic, like there's a good future to look forward to.  As socially conscious individuals, we've worked hard to pave the way for our daughters and children. We stood on protest marches, sent money to lots of good causes, signed the petitions, wrote the letters.  We hoped for a better world. The Obamas gave us hope.  Now, we still have to hope. We have to fight. And we have to work together to keep it all from unraveling. 

The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on
Like a bird that flew
Tangled up in blue
-Bob Dylan  

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