Not much rushing today

Slept well after all that sea air yesterday.....woke up to grey skies and lots of puddles!!

It did dry up and brighten slightly so we took our chance and went for a walk, quite a bit milder today..........first by the canal where today's blip was taken, not much happening, all very quiet. We did pop into the cafe for a coffee and hub got his paper before heading home for dippy eggs and brown toast.

We've had a lazy afternoon, first one for ages. I spent it looking at properties for sale in Cumbria ;-)

I was going to make a fruit cake, but got distracted, so that's a job for tomorrow now :-)

I think we are going to have fishcakes for dinner this evening with potatoes, salad and coleslaw :-)

Must get a move on if I'm going to get it done before Strictly ;-)

Thanks for all your lovely comments on yesterday's blip :-)

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