Floating above the Clouds

... and sometimes in them, and sometimes swimming in the snow! First day out on skis and seem to have forgotten how to stay upright! Other mad people were out too, walking up on skins (sort of furry bases that you stick to the bottom of your skis to stop you slipping back - see https://www.flickr.com/photos/hilarysview/? to get the idea. In the days before ski lifts these were made from seal skins, hence the word "skins"). It was a stunning few hours, above the troubles of our world looking right over to Mont Blanc (see extra) over the white clouds and pristine white snow). We skied right back to our friends' chalet!

By the way, can you see a person on a track below?

HUGE THANKS for putting yesterday's Snowy Cathedral way up there on Popular Page.

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