3 years today!

Blip is just a normal part of my life......and a good excuse to 'take a photo just in case'!!!
There were a number of lovely shots that I could have used today but I had this one in my head for a couple of days. So apart from scaring our tent neighbours out their skin by crouching down in the pitch black setting up my camera and speaking to them as they approached me so as not to scare them!!!! And oddly struggling with the camera settings for a bit. I enjoyed playing in the dark!!

Today we went to Petworth House which is a National Trust property. It's very nice. Except that whoever the rich person was that had the house last and decided to rip out the drive and formal gardens leading up to the front of the house and plant a meadow, was wrong!!! It looks very nice from the house, and lovely to walk through (as we did bearfooted because the ground was so soft) but the house itself looks wrong. It has no grand entrance!
But as I said, we had a lovely walk through the meadow, round the lake and edging into the wood.
It was hot! :) ... and sunny! :) ... with blue skies! :) ... and fluffy white clouds! :) ... Ahhhh! :0)

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