
By briocarioca

Iris in the rain

It rained all night and all day and the river is dangerously high in the town. Already yesterday the dirt road below our house looked like a river bed again (five years ago it gave way to a raging river, full of huge boulders, after an almighty storm followed two weeks of heavy rain). Let’s hope history won’t repeat itself, although strangely New Zealand has just been hit by another earthquake. Here’s hoping there won’t be any more casualties there and that the aftershocks aren’t too serious. Last time, the terrible quake in the Christchurch area came two or three weeks after disaster hit this area.
This lovely Iris greeted me when I looked out of the back door this morning. It seems happy with the rain. And a friend (in the UK) and I have been having an exciting time planning a side trip to Prague next month, during our trip ‘home’ for Christmas.
Just car-walked the dogs. HH holds them till I get half-way down the drive, then lets them off and they come cannoning down the bank and hit the drive at speed. A quick detour to mock the caretaker’s poor dog, which is so evil that it has to be cooped up all the time, then helter skelter on down, Kayla’s tail going in circles like a propeller and Chacha scudding along with her, shoulder to shoulder.  I shut them both in the run last night, to prevent Chacha from ravaging any more nests, but the little tyke manages to climb over a 7 foot wire fence and was on the doorstep this morning. I haven’t seen any bird carcasses yet, so here’s hoping she left them in peace for once. 

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