
By ramblingrose


 Hi there everyone. I hope you have all had a good day. 
Today I went to Penzance to stay the night at a friend's house. The reason being that my Son Julian was in his first Muay Thai fight in the afternoon in Redruth. Rather than me coming back afterwards by train. My friend picked me up at penzance. We had a nice chat, ham rolls and a nice glass of prosecco. We then went down to Redruth by car for the event. It was the first time I had been to anything like this. It was awesome! My Son did really well. It was very close, but the other boy won by 1 point. I can't tell you all of how proud I was of him coming down the stairs and into the ring! I had a job not crying! His kicks etc were amazing! He got a lovely Trophy. One of the lads landed up with 2 broken ribs. I am so sorry for him. I am glad to say though, that Julian didn't get injured, just the usual bruises etc! This is my Son that a few weeks ago, if you remember had all that bother with having to move because of that awful Landlady. He was so very depressed at that time. To me, this was a brilliant achievement for him. As they say.." win, lose or tie! It is the guts for entering and putting up a good fight that matters! He did us all proud. I had a terrific time. I am hoarse with all the shouting and cheering him on though!! He is very popular at his club, and you could tell by all the shouting for him. It was so lovely to hear.
Anyway, enough of me going on about how proud I am!! As any mother would be.Lol!
Thank you for following me. Take care.
Theresa.x    PS; The last one on the right  of the poster is Julian.
PPS; I have just realised this is my 200th Entry. The time certainly has gone by quickly.

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