A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Albi won Monday

I was pretty much the opposite of this. Though it does feel quite good to have some things ticked off the list that have been lingering too long. And food in the fridge and clean clothes. And hopefully all my work prepped for tomorrow.

And it all started with a long walk around Chiswick House with the dog this morning. Hence the sofa day for her. To be fair I didn't exert as much energy chatting to other dog folks as she did racing around with their charges. But still.

Reasonable day for J....more reading, table tennis and nonsense with Cameron. To the backdrop of 1970s Spotify playlist as apparently "modern music is rubbish." It was like my very own old people's home.

Or shows that they need Anna around to keep them young. She was at a friend's house after school.

Lesley x

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