How exciting .....
..... this is!
I'm trying to bring back the red leaves of my last Christmas Poinsettia! I've done it before years ago when I had great success. This time I'm finding things more difficult ( maybe I didn't start the process early enough !) but it is gradually turning leaf by leaf. Just in case anyone is interested ---- the process is NO artificial light ie cover it / put in dark place from 6pm --- 6am , I cover mine with a black sack, from September ( having put it outside from May - September ) and expose it completely as soon as the majority of the leaves have turned red. Then yesterday I was clearing away odd and ends in the kitchen, an African Violet leave I had put in water a month or so ago was just about to be discarded , when I found it not only had 2inch roots but 4 baby leaves coming out from the stem. So instead of the rubbish bin it was planted in a pot!! You may see the end product next year, we'll see !
The pool was just the right temperature today, my usual 50 minutes became 55 and I did 70 lengths half exercising ( up and down the pool) and half swimming ! Wow, I surprised myself and how?
Cloudy again today don't think we will see anything much this evening either.
Happy .... to be home in the warm.
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