This is me sleeping on ......
...... grandma's lap ---
Hi blippers this is Daisy reporting today. Grandma says she's got a bone in her hand! I didn't know what she was talking about but people say and do some funny things , like grandma sweeping the leaves from the path , said she couldn't get to the garage, I didn't think it was too bad, did she REALLY have to do it at 8.15am and her in her P'J's too. Hope the neighbours weren't looking!
I've had a busy day -----
1st I went with grandma to get her car cleaned, I didn't like the swish of the water when the car was hosed down, still I had grandma to protect me so it wasn't too bad after all.
2nd we went round to a friend to pass in a birthday gift , her birthday is on Sunday but as she is going away to Spain grandma says she needed to catch her before she left.
3rd grandma took me for a walk to a park neither of us had been to before. Grandma says it wasn't interesting as there was no pond / flowers just trees, but I had a great time running tho ' the leaves and making them rustle , there was great new smells too , I was soo happy my tail wagging the whole time.
4th we went to the club where grandma was having a pedicure, I didn't know what that was , until grandma said her big toe was hurting , so , guess it's something to do with feet.
Then we came home , it was 3pm by then ! Grandma got my dinner ready , cos' I hadn't had breakfast and I was starving by then after all that exercise . Now we're watching television , 8pm, and I'm ready for a nap.
I've enjoyed being with grandma but it will be nice to be home tomorrow .
Thankful ..... to be seeing mum and dad tomorrow.
PS grandma enjoyed her meal of Cod in Butter sauce with mashed potatoes and vegetables but she didn't give me ANY! Still I had my dinner didn't I ?
PPS The " park" they called it Duppass hill recreation ground and not a park ! Funny that!!
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