Return to the North

By Viking

TeeJay's attempt on the summit

The other weekend I decided to give the 'Skyline walk' a go - a bloody hard slog up continuous hillside. Great views from the top are the reward but it is hard work. Anyway Teejay has been giving me **** since about how I deliberately waited until she was away for the weekend to do it. I thought therefore that I should nag, harass, cajole (insert appropriately) her into doing it for herself. She kept wittering that 30 years of smoking made her lungs worse than mine and that she didn't know whether she could do it. Well, today she did! It was a hard slog (doing it once already made no difference to speed and effort on my part!) but again it was worth the trip!!! Even more so for me 'cos she shouted lunch when we got down.
So well done Tina and thanks for lunch :-)

* Please note this was before she fell on her ass in the mud :-)

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