
By trabroun

Now that's not what you want to see as a Firefight

I had forgotten to take something to work to eat for lunch, so made my way along to the canteen to see what delicacy they had on offer. Vegetable stew made with ham stock or chicken curry (which smelled fantastic), not much choice for a vegetarian so decided to stick with my 3 clementines which had been sitting on my desk for two days!

Anyway, as I meandered back to the department I passed this blippable site.
This isn't good news if you are a firefighter going from the first floor to basement in a hurry!
Don't worry, there are another two pole drops to choose from and to dispel the myth, this is not the pole that Bridget Jones got stuck on but the one that Lenny Henry went down when he was filming his programme on "A day in the life of....."

The pole drops tend not used as the guys prefer to race down stairs instead as the landing at the bottom of the pole can be a bit uncomfortable on the old ankles

Have I tried descending down the pole ? naw - not insured!

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