Today's Weather Report

As you see from this shot at sunrise, the day started off reasonably okay.
At about 9:30 AM, however, it started to spit with drizzle.
By 10:30 AM, the drizzle had begun to fall with more vigour.
And by 11:00 AM, it was a truly thick, heavy type of drizzle which is frequently mistaken for proper rain.
It sort of cleared up around lunchtime, but at about 2:00 PM it began to rain in earnest.
Then it stopped, then it started again, then it stopped again, then it started again ... ("showery", I think the word is, but showery without the sunny blue bits in between).
The wind, meanwhile, was blowing a hooley ... and the temperature was dropping ... and ... well I'm sure you get the idea ... :o/
I was glad I took this shot first thing this morning - even if it was only taken with my old "emergency" camera - because there was certainly no sign of no sunset ... :o|


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