
By sarah1708

Adrenaline ball

Okay, it's not my photo but I was too busy dancing and catching up with friends to be taking photos so I have a good excuse! Adrenaline ball was fantastic, and it was great seeing all of canoe together again. The only issue was that the dancing area was far too small to ceilidh and everyone ended up hitting each other far too much. 

I also had a great end to my night. As I am not a huge fan of dancing (ceilidhs not included), I often want to leave the ball early or sit and talk rather than dance. Usually no one else is keen, but this time Emily was and we went back to hers and watched Buffy for an hour in bed. We watched it for the entire year whilst we lived together last year but we never finished it - although we are halfway through the final season. It was good to get one episode closer to the end, as well as having lots of catch up chat and spending time together. 

We got a text message when the ball finished and everyone went to the union, but I was too tired by then and went straight to bed! 

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