Choosing new flooring

Today I:
- 7am physio.
- 8am work.
- 9am demo to my boss of the system I'm working on.
- lunchtime - picked up coffee beans.
- green grocer.
- home: health and safety induction, shown what's been done this week, met the guy sent to measure floor to replace vinyl planks, chose replacement vinyl planks, confirmed paint colours.
- home: collected some of my emergency supplies from the garage, and the left over paint from first repair.
- grocery shopping.
- phone call.
- Chiropractor.
- visited the little pope at the cattery.
- dropped off paint to Resenes to be recycled.
- 1/2 hour drive home.
- unpacked stuff.
- put on a load of washing.
- made Kombucha.
- wrote a eulogy.
- dinner.
- hung out washing.
- cleaned up kitchen.

I think that's everything and now I'm posting my blip.

Top right of the picture is a strip of the old painted paper, kept for me so I could match the new flooring. 2 planks were damaged during the first repair. They're too difficult to remove without damaging the next planks, so the kitchen, entrance way, and laundry floor is being replaced. The carpet is protected with plastic but I've found an exposed patch to check colours. The white angled bit of the bottom of the stair banister. I'm not sure what the lower left is.

The vinyl plank I've chosen is in stock in Christchurch. The contractor had heaps of suitable lining paper for the walls and ceiling. So far nothing is held up by quake damage between the north and south islands. On that note I was told this afternoon that 2 of the major freight companies have raised their prices by 22 and 25 percent each.

The time frame for repairing my home is tight. It's made tighter by the decision to strip everything back to the substrate. In the long run that will be easier for my contractor rather than patching poor workmanship.

The reason my paint never dried properly is because the walls were never sealed. Painting 101 methinks. The big job of stripping the downstairs ceilings was underway when I was there.

I thought the Fletchers EQR project manager was good. He's onto things and is keeping things ticking along. The standard of work appeared thorough and there was clearly a lot of attention to detail going on.

It's been a big day. I've been asked by Diana's family to speak at her funeral. Fortunately I checked the day and time, as it's on Sunday not Saturday as I'd thought.

My thoughts and prayers are with those in the upper South Island and lower North Island who are stressed, anxious, terrified, and sleepless from the earthquakes this week. A fewthings caught my eye online that I thought overseas blipper in particular might be interested to view.

House destroyed by tsuanami
I didn't realise this by on Banks Peninsula looks straight at Kaikoura and bore the brunt of the tsunami.

New landmarks

Raised Coastline - video and images

What used to be State Highway 1

The 7.8 earthquake and what followed
If you've ever wondered what a serious earthquake is like this video will show you.

Day 10 positive: A lot has happened at home and it's promising. The guys are working hard for me and I'm grateful.

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