Full Square Around The Block

My 4th blip was of this exact same subject (a detail of a public sculpture in Palma de Mallorca) framed to the millimetre in both full shot and thumbnail - see link below. The sun and the big camera were missing today but apart from that the only difference is six and a half years of my life . . . that's 10.71% of the total so far (you can see I'm being very millimetric today!). 10.71% at the start of which I had not received one millisecond of coach training let alone run a coaching session, the possibility let alone the reality of the Edinburgh and Rio de Janeiro flats had not been conceived, Dd was doing her very first CELTA course as a fully self-employed person, my mum was just short of her 85th birthday - still going strong, Chaiselongue was alive and already a virtual friend - I could sense it even after only a couple of comments, my collaboration with IESE was a sleeping possibility and my re-encounter with Egypt and the book that was to follow was still in the hands of divine powers yet to work their magic. And here's the marvellous thing - the birth and realisation of all those things is recorded somewhere in the last near-2,500 pages of this journal. It's all there including your very first visit and comment if you are one of my still extant friends in blipland! What a treasure trove - at least for me!

First version here.....


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