Meet Velcro.....

....Flynns beetle......who has had several incarnations by now...his predecessors are safely tucked away happily munching away on leaves (or whatever they eat) in the garden.

Now he has to have breakfast with us sitting on his special rock....I couldn't help but snap the loving pats he was getting from the boy.

Its been another day in the garage today...........its a big job when one has boxes of stock to move  so as to take down storage shelves........I am hurting in very strange places tonight.

This afternoon we went into Byron Bay for tea......there is a fabulous little Mexican there and the Nachos is terriffic....I was going to have a Margherita but I was feeling too stingy to pay $15 for one (more than my meal) when I could go to the bottlo and just about buy a bottle of tequila for that...perhaps im back in the 90's .....anyway whatever it was too rich for my blood and my head will be happier for it tomorrow.......besides I reckon a cold beer would of tasted great with the food...never really been a beer drinker though.

“Never underestimate how much assistance, how much satisfaction, how much comfort, how much soul and transcendence there might be in a well-made taco and a cold bottle of beer.”
- Tom Robbins

Early night tonight.

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