Gitama's World

By Gitama

New Teeth

My poor old Dad has just had to have all his top teeth taken out.
He is miserable especially as he loves his food.........(cream doughnuts are his favorite at the mo).
We thought we would give him some new ones ...teeth that is .......and Flynn got his special ones out too...a rather cute gruesome pair I reckon.

He was a good sport that old guy.....even though his culinary ventures have been quashed.....and as I said pretty miserable.

Talking of Mum has to have a spare set just in case the dog Charlie gets hold of them...he loves them and has already demolished 2 bottom sets......and....a pair of spectacles........I have to laugh although I will probably get punished later and have to have my own falsies.

We fit in a massive amount  of stuff today...not the least measuring the land in our new place for a fence to keep the hound in....2 weeks before the big move.

“The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.”
- Robert Frost

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