
I woke with the worries of the last few weeks lifted - I know there is sadness ahead but for now I am centred. Friend is with her children and whatever decision they make regarding the stoma operation is up to them - I have done what I can and felt needed saying.
So a morning on the allotment - giving the girls the last of the raspberries and some yogurt! I then rolled out the carpet over my second plot - at some point much digging will be done! A little gentle weeding then home for a few hours and back to put the girls to bed!
Happy evening with a fire, more sea bass, this time with garlic lentils and oven roasted tomatoes, then an evening of Strictly,  Australian masterchef and the crocheting of a third corner of my blanket - I now have a pink, a gold and a purple corner! 
Lets hope the sparkle in my life continues! 

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