excerpts from a life

By berfin

planet caravan

today has been looking at photos, selecting photos (this is my favourite photo of him from this live), editing photos, contemplating the decisions i've made for the last couple of months and listening to planet caravan.

the song has been playing on loop (for how many hours now? 7?) since my afternoon snack, and it helped me think many things through. 

i also should add, today i looked back for the first time and noticed just how much i've changed even in the short time period i've been on my own. i should've trusted myself more about the process, although nobody told me it'd be so hurtful...  when i look back in retrospective, certain things i defended seem so odd, but i guess to grow, one must take and feel each step upwards. so, yes. i'm here. i did it again. i've grown. i can only hope i'll keep swimming.

"stars shine like eyes
the black night sighs"

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