Philly's Long Last Look

Dear Diary,

Our days have been on the mild side so Philomena and Hoover are still coming for seeds but this gathering in time for them will end soon enough.  Philly seems to be contemplating the coming days in her dark borrow, safely surrounded by all her hoarded sunflower seeds, as she sits quietly on the end of the stone wall.

I am wondering if I will see her again next spring.  Chipmunks only live an average of 3 years and this was Philly's fourth summer with me.  I know there will be other chipmunks but Philly is special.  It is a sad thing for me to think of not seeing her each day.

We all look out on a future that seems so unsure and, at times, frightening but, like Philomena, I have things prepared and I too will soon enter my quiet time.  A book by the fire with Emerson curled up beside me seems very close to heaven to me right now.  We just go on day by day, it is all we can do.

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