Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Rowan's Domino House

Today has been the biggest drama ever over Graham's keys!! Too long to go into here but all sorted!

Had a phone call from my friend, Linda. She is really having a tough time of it. Her Mum has been in two different hospitals for over seven weeks now and she is not well at all. Linda had her phone inside a bag inside her back pack when she was cycling to Manchester to visit her Mum....the weather was so bad that by the time she stopped cycling, her phoned still managed to get drenched and isn't working. (She's got it in a bag of rice to hopefully dry it out!) Then Linda told me that somebody stole her bike from outside the Bolton Arena yesterday afternoon. This is no ordinary bike, as some of you might remember, Linda is a serious athlete and this is her sole means of transport. It's worth a small fortune too and she doesn't have the means to replace it. The bike was locked up with three locks and some creep still managed to steal it in the 40 minutes she was in the gym. I've mentioned that she could go to the local paper, have a feature done and hopefully someone might know what's happened to it. I feel so sorry for her. I can't do much myself apart from offer to run her around in the car if needed.

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