
By Jimblip

Just a lot of hot air

The events leading up to, and immediately following this blip prevented any further photographic coverage! The balloon landed deftly in the lake next to our boat, after the pilot had shouted to us, in French, for a tow. Rising to 20m the passengers were then afforded the chance to dry their feet before we (intrepidly) managed to take hold of the strap to tow them out of their predicament and across the lake.

Plenty of opportunities then presented themselves for complete disaster, brought about by the tangled strap, fouling of the propeller, caught up arms and legs, and the massive inertia of the hot-air balloon. However after a frantic few minutes our chance meeting resulted in success and we were able to see them to the other side.

Thanks to Messieurs Montgolfier a large breakfast was needed to restore our equilibrium.

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