Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Dinner in the diner

Nothing could be finer
Than to have your ham and eggs in Carolina

Or in our case, egg and chips in Orpington. Took the Aged P to this one before going 'round a garden centre. She has had a bad week - very distressed and disoriented. Realised from the way she was talking that the reason I calm her down is that she thinks of me like her late husband, my stepfather. I do exactly what he used to do, which is take her out and generally pamper her. Psychologically I think I am the substitute ... functional for her, bit sad for me, but it was good to see her relaxed and happy, the complete opposite of the distressed 5am phone calls.

Other highlights of today:

Had a haircut (very significant event given the length of my locks)

Two new kittens arrived in the household - will no doubt be blipping them shortly ...

Did cocktails at eight followed by wine at nine and then a very extended session of eating, talking, and drinking into the early hours - got to bed rather merry at 2am. Very nice evening. Good company.

And of course - the big talking point - bloody hot today - thirty degrees (plus) ...

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