
A frosty start to the day. Then a meeting with our sister organisation's leadership team from SCRA. Lots of interesting discussion about changes / trends in practice such as referrals of children and young people to the reporter. Too early to say if increases in some areas are a reaction to the Supreme Court judgement leading to a greater reluctance to take (preventive) action. We will have to monitor this over time.

Then on to Glasgow, mingling with Celtic fans heading to the match tonight. The event was the 14th Kilbrandon lecture delivered this year by Professor Guy Standing who was advocating a basic income for everyone. He considered that such an approach might engage better the precariat: those at risk of being disengaged or alienated by society often as a result of policy and market decisions. Failure to engage leads, he predicted many years ago, to a reaction against the establishment. He cited 2016 as an example of his theory becoming reality.

Also heard about the announcement of a new body - the Institue for Inspiring Children's Futures - or ICF. We'll hear more about this academic, research evidence based body at the University of Strathclyde over the coming months.

The blip is of the new (more environmentally friendly) lights in George Square.

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