First Minister #Kilbrandon

Tonight saw the 15th Kilbrandon lecture delivered this year by the Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP, the First Minister of Scotland. The event is to mark the report of the committee chaired by Lord Kilbrandon. It led to Scotland’s children’s hearings system introduced in 1971.

The First Minister took the principles of the Kilbrandon report - which predated UNCRC but are closely aligned - and wove them across a wide range of Government’s policies including those affecting children. A key theme was prevention and listening meaningfully to the voices of children and young people.

The speech will be reviewed in the coming days but one concept shone out for me. To paraphrase: at the heart of all systems are people and we are dependent on them thinking and doing everything right for children and young people.

There were 600 plus people in the Strathclyde University Barony Hall and after questions there was a barrage of selfies.

I had the opportunity for a brief word with the First Minister and had the privilege of introducing her to Scotland’s longest serving Panel member : Ian Hart MBE. 42 years and he still gets a lot out of helping to take decisions about vulnerable children. And to help organise the sytem locally. Formal photos will follow elsewhere : but the extra shows Ian on the right at the front.

Lots of encouraging messages about our approach - and the commitment to our founding principles.

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