
By Cr055ie

Cream Moustaches

Journey to work this morning was like a nature trail.  Got to a cross roads and saw a buzzard sitting on a wire really close to the road.  I've seen it a couple of times so it is obviously a favourite spot for it.  Parked the car sensibly and walked towards it.   I'm really not dressed for stalking again today.  Bright red jumper scared it away, managed on distance shot that is a bit fuzzy.   Drove for about 500 metres (originally wrote  yards here and realised it gave my age away lol).  and saw a magnificent heron at the top of the river bank, still wearing the red jumper so not a chance of a pic.  Another 500 yards and a slight movement in the fields caught my eye.  It was an open road so I was able to stop and use my car as a hide.    Four monkjack deer I believe, looking like they have all been drinking hot chocolate with cream.  Not the best pic I've ever taken, but had to be today's blip.

Work was fun.  My team convinced me it was a good idea to have a staff meeting over lunch out at an all day buffet.  It was great fun and some work was discussed, great for team building with our new relocated collegue and apprentice. 

The kids were brilliant fun tonight, they all let me take their pictures for our new "memberdex" display, and build fruit pizza's.  It is such a shame I can't use of of those pics here some are so funny..

Got home at eight and Hubs has cooked supper.  Delicious but I better not mention the eat all you can lunch, I'm stuffed!!!!

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