
It's not been much of a day, mostly showers all day, and breezy too.  It's felt warmer, about 10 degrees, and that's nearly 20 degrees warmer than parts of the Scottish mainland. 

I slept a bit longer than planned, the rain wasn't very motivating.  I finally got going and managed a walk around Scalloway, without getting wet.  It's been a fairly lazy day, think I was needing it.  I managed more walkies in the afternoon, and again this evening.   Now a quiet evening with the telly.

It was raining when I went out with Sammy this afternoon, so I decided to head down the road and see if I could get walked there.  It stayed dry for me, but as we climbed a hill, the wet long grass soaked my shoes and jeans.  Sammy enjoyed sniffing for rabbits :)  Our view heading up the hill was on to Flanderstoon, which includes the Nort Kirk, and granddad Maikie's old shop, also includes Wishart's old shop.  Taken at Flanderstoon, Cunningsburgh.

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