Thursday: Golden Window

I was a bit disappointed not to have been able to upload yesterday's photo until just a few hours ago as it was a bit of a return to the good old days when I used to be able to sneak out at night with my tripod (that's a not very subtle invitation to sneak a peak if you have time).

I have been nursing a bit of a headache today - not sure why.  Maybe weather pressure or something.

I went to a meeting on W Hastings this afternoon pertaining to an event we are running in a few weeks.  It was a bit of a frustrating meeting as the energy from our partner organization was virtually non-existent.  So we feel like we have to wrestle control from them now in order to make it a success.

Anyway, it did afford me a peak into the RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) building on W Hastings.  If I was a more conscientious photographer I would have done something about the wires crossing across the front.....

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