
By MaybeDailyBob


We had a picnic lunch in the New Forest. Somehow we found a quiet spot; we saw one group as we arrived and another came by as we were eating and that was all.
On the way back we passed this; it is the Portuguese Fireplace and it is a war memorial on the road between Emery Down and Bolderwood it is near to Millyford Bridge and apparently it is used as a Waymark.
The plaque reads:
"This is the site of a hutted camp occupied by a Portuguese army unit during the first World War. This unit assisted the depleted local labour force in producing timber for the war effort. The Forestry Commission have retained the fireplace from the cookhouse as a memorial to the men who lived and worked here and acknowledge the financial assistance of the Portuguese government in its renovation."
In World War I local labour was in short supply due to the war effort. To help with the timber production for the war a Portuguese Army unit working for the Canadian Timber Corps helped the local population whilst local foresters were away fighting. The fireplace is what remains of the cookhouse of the camp of those people who lived, worked and helped out in the area.

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