Feeding time.

As it was a lovely sunny morning and as we had taken the day off yesterday, there was nothing else for it but to get out into the garden. All efforts to contain excessive growth have been foiled this year and, despite an earlier cull, some serious hardware was required. You know things are really bad when a hedge trimmer is the best way of cutting back nettles!

After a while I got fed up and went to play with the macro. Came back to find that the man had pinched my loppers so thought I'd have a bit of a seat until he finished. Well, that was a mistake. The rain had loosened all the joints and I ended up on the ground. Camera and can of juice were safe - but I had a very large wet patch on the backside of my trousers. (The pride was probably dented a bit too - but I covered it well by laughing uncontrollably)!

Rain's on again now. Time to put the feet up I think - oh and I think somebody mentioned a curry?

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