
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. I hope you have all had a good day. 
As you know, I had an appointment with the Physiotherapist today. As it was my first visit, I was in there for about an hour. She really was a nice young lady. She couldn't believe I had had this pain for 2 years or so. It has got worse though. She took me through the usual questions etc, and asked me where I worked. I told her that I was retired, but had been a care assistant for most of my working life. She was amazed that I was retired, as she said I didn't look old enough, and what was my secret!  As she was only 36 yrs old herself, I felt quite flattered! Made my day  actually. After this, came the painful process of prodding etc. She thinks that I should have Acupuncture, to relieve the pain. I have never had this, but she said it is really good for pain relief. We will discuss it more at my next visit, which is next week. She said that the X Ray showed that the ball and socket joint was good, but my muscle in the top of my right arm isn't working properly, she is not sure at present why.
Anyway, I will have to wait and see.
I haven't done much else today, as I have been in a bit of pain after all the prodding etc. I have put my tree up in the conservatory, and have started getting stuff out to decorate for Christmas. We have ordered a tree for the front room. This should come on Monday. 
Thank you for following me, and for all your kind wishes etc. It is most appreciated. Please take care.
PS; I know it seems a bit early getting the Christmas decorations out, but I really feel that my partner and I could do with some sparkle in our life at the moment! And I so Love the lights!!

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