Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Sneak Preview

Headed to North Berwick for a day out. It was blip-tastic ! As well as wonderful views of Tantallon Castle and the Bass Rock, I also managed to catch an amazing shot of a bi-plane doing loop the loops along N. Berwick Beach.....stunning ! Then I found out I had no card in my camera !

Bah Humbug.

Here's the B-side 45 RPM Blip (my kids won't know what THAT is!).

Today we also took delivery of show costumes. Our house is awash with Tutus and lace bits and catsuits. Girls are getting very excited.

Here's No 3 modelling her modern costume (a Michael Jackson number). Apologies to Miss K for pre-releasing a show picture! (A very few tickets are still left if you don't want to be disappointed!).

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