Frosty under foot

Woke up to bright sunshine and our first really hard frost! We were late waking up, 9.20 for me and a little later for hub :-0

hub still feeling rubbish as he puts it, so just a walk to the closest newsagents, for a paper. We decided to have a brunch today, so it was bacon and egg on toast. Hub is not up to the planned night out tonight, so cancelled the restaurant and have offered the tickets for the concert free if anyone wants to call and collect them.......such a shame, but cant be helped.

Around 3 this afternoon I could see the sun starting to go,down casting a wonderful glow so I popped out for a quick walk, leaving hub tucked up at home. I donned my thick coat, gloves & scarf and enjoyed an hour out in the fresh certainly was cold, Mr Frost nipping at anything exposed.

The light didn't disappoint......I got some lovely shots, but thought this footpath really depicts today's weather. I've put another in the extras, just because I can now ;-)

A night in front of the tv tonight rather than the Liverpool Philharmonic and no idea what we are going to have for dinner now that the thai restaurant has been cancelled. I'm sure I'll think of something.

Spoke to mum last night she wasn't any better either. I think it's visits to the GP for both on Monday :-/

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