Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Camping mats and special towels....

We popped over to the shop 'Go Outdoors' in Coventry.. which reminds me I want to blip the Cathedral ... HOWEVER Cov city centre is a git to find ones self around..... for some reason it is the one city that flumoxes me.ANYWAY.. having given up on stupid airbeds that myself,my husband and my children roll off we have all converted to the roll up mats.ohhhhhh they are a revelation !! I adore mine,and then the rest of them wanted my mat.. and Lucy tried my mat and slept all night,so now we have four mats... THEN I purchased one of those fancy super absorbent hiking/camping towels.. they are BRILLIANT.. and guess what... they all wanted one of those ... so now we have four.The space in my boot is getting emptier ... this is fab.
So in a nutshell on top of that ^^^^^^^^ we today...

Stripped our bed,lay about,ate,lay about,lay about,lay some more.. went to Cov... lay about.... I whipped up some cream not by hand,in the whippy bit of my mixer... made eaton mess as a pudding.. Mr W did a splendid BBQ and we are now laying about.

p.s I am REALLY REALLY REALLY fond of you subscribers... REALLY FOND !! xxxxxxx

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