Arlo loves disco

Took Arlo to his first fringe show, Baby Loves Disco. He had a ball - danced at the disco, read books in the chillout room, demolished the food in the snack room, wore high heels in the play room, went on a yoga-based adventure and beat the living hell out of some tambourines in the music room. Highly recommended. There's even a bar selling booze if you're that way inclined.

Since we were in town figured it would be rude not to pay a visit to a record shop. Only came away with the one CD, the Death Grips album that I was raving about a while back. You can dig back in time for links to their stuff since I've just had an email about a Keiran Hebden's compilation of his Text output. Any Four Tet news makes me down tools and this is no exception. Go buy.

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