Party Pooper!

I overslept till eleven this morning - sleep pattern gone to pot and went to bed at 3 so what else can one expect?! had to dash out quickly to get to the vets before it closed. Felicity and Fiona are sounding raspy again and although I told myself I had done my best and let nature take its course, I just couldn't help but give them one more chance. As I was waiting for the injections to be made up I had a look at all the xmas stuff for the pets on the shelves. I discovered a stacking pot of catmint - one with lavender to calm, lemongrass to invigorate and ward off vampires?! Also bought a less expensive version of Feliway. Partly to help ease the presence of Milkshake when she comes to live with us, and partly because FatCat is such a hissy, spitty, growly bad tempered thing at the best of times! She is old so I guess I have to be accepting but really she does take the giddy limit sometimes! 
On my way home I stopped along the road to the church as it was such a beautiful day - ended up walking round the graveyard and then thought I'd peek in the church. I find the whole place so peaceful and meditative.
Once home my internal battle commenced as to whether to go to a 50th party in the village - I know the woman slightly through Friend and knew a lot of the people going, but it's not my usual friendship group. I was chuffed to be invited  but somehow it just reinforced Friends condition as she used to work with her and of course had been invited but could not go. It felt bitterly cold out and the meal first was at Lische but was  curry so probably too hot for me, but getting out and being sociable would probably lift my spirits  ( that's what my hypnotherapist says!) In the end decided I couldn't be arsed and stayed home, watched Strictly and crocheted!!! 

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