
You know it's only been a day but as I backblip this I'm struggling to remember what I did! I did walk Lucy! Looking after Kes confirmed my decision only to walk Lucy occasionally - I really object to having to factor her walk into my every day! The walk is always pleasant but I spend the whole time till I take her out thinking of when to take her out! I find it is a stress that is completely ridiculous and unnecessary!  With the days getting colder and invariably wet, I just want the luxury of being able to stay in all day, wearing my White Stuff PJ's and a soft thick wooly and slippers! If I wanted the joys and responsibility of dog ownership I would get one, but I don't so I haven't and I don't see why I should continually take on the responsibility for someone else's dog!!! Yes I am feeling a little guilty but since her owner is giving her a short walk in the morning and still drives to the local shop for his food and booze, I am am telling myself not to! 
So - today was a day when I chose to walk her! I bumped into Weaver Man and we had a good old chat and Lucy spent more time sitting and waiting for me than walking! It made me realise that as well as Lucy being a cute little portly  thing, it does mean I get these unplanned meetings which I always enjoy. I may well walk her quite frequently, but it will be because I want to not because I feel I have to! As a single person and years of working and being told what to do, I really do like being beholden to no one - I find being needed* suffocating and intensely aggravating! Even by a dog! Now chickens and cats.......!!!Both these are really quite happy being left to their own devices once fed  and Fat Cat in particular is as selfish as me but gets more sleep than me and never has to go out!

* I am now wondering if being needed and wanted are subtly different and if I would l maybe like to be wanted!!! I suppose it depends on what I am wanted for and if I want it!!!

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