Last race of the year for F1

an exciting race with a new champion. Afterwards John nipped out to collect more logs, he has that determined look of wanting to win..... I didn't like to tell him the others are imaginary.

John and N have constructed a bridge across the burn to bring logs over for the wood shed, the little island is beautiful during the early months with snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells. We are now looking at opening the area to introduce a few more plants on the bank and island.

Earlier we gave the new bikes a spin, wow! Last weekend John ordered two electric bikes having spent weeks looking at what would suit us best. In the end he preferred function over form, not the prettiest bikes available but we hope substantial on our pot holed covered roads. The first few minutes on the bike proved to be interesting but once rolling it was an amazing ride, loved it. We need new gloves and perhaps a balaclava under the helmet to keep the neck and ears warm otherwise spot on.

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