My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


It's such a grey day out there and chilly too. We stayed at home until this afternoon when we went round to the park and the woods for half an hour to blow a few more germs away.

Baby L has decided she's not a fan of mush anymore, even when it does have bits to chew on in it... For breakfast she has gone off her porridge and wants toast and crumpets, all she wants for other meals are my banana pancakes. That's pretty much all she had for lunch today, but I guess she's eating something. For tea tonight I have made carrot and courgette pancakes in the hope that I might get a bit of veg into her. Hope I don't put her off pancakes for good!

Any ideas for easy (quick and easy) food to make for 10 month olds that isn't mush? I feel my kitchen skills are about to be put to the test! I have a few things up my sleeve, but any more will be be very welcome.

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