Family, Friends, and Feasts

Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly reporting again today!

Mum LEFT me all day yesterday! Thankfully only for the day and I was happy at the dogsitters. I would have liked to have spent Thanksgiving with her! Thankfully, today we had another Thanksgiving planned at Mum's sister's house! This one I could enjoy too!

But first, we went walkies to our park and I met some new friends! I love all my doggie friends! I got particularly excited about the big white one! His dad said he was a Samoyed! They are herding dogs from Siberia and they round up reindeer and pull sleds too! How cool is that? His name is Bob and he came from a rescue centre in Cyprus! Whaaat? That's not the right climate for a dog who's supposed to be from Siberia!! I also liked meeting the Collie - another breed I love! Maybe it's the herding dogs that appeal to me! I particularly like BIG dogs! The bigger the better.

When we got to Mum's sister's house we found Aneeta there - Mum's Great-Niece. And my buddy! I love her and she loves me! She was engrossed in a Peppa Pig episode but she was glad to see me and we had some cuddles later.

The humans had a delicious Turkey dinner, although not quite traditional. Pumpkin pie was on the menu too - and I got some bites of both! Scrumptious! I am thankful for:

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